Saturday, March 26, 2011

Enhancement Shaman Cataclysm Talents and Glyphs

Since I been playing an enhancement shaman for a long time I hope I can give a nice short guide for the just dinged 85 shaman and picking your talents. I want it to be pretty clear and easy so I wont go to deep into things. Maybe in later posts I'll spend more time on certain talents/spells/glyphs.


 The following image will give the core spec I use for PVE:

At this stage there's 4 points left to spend. I recommend to spend these in either of the following:

  • Enhancement tree -> Ancestral swiftness, due to the nice movement speed increase and that ghostwolf is usable indoors nowadays.
  • Enhancement tree -> Improved fire nova, more aoe damage but pretty situational.
  • Elemental tree -> Call of flame, more damage from your fire totems!
Maybe the above talents are even better than the Improved shields talent but I guess this comes down to personal choices. Anyways if u spend them in any of the above named ur good to go. The talenst I've skipped are mostly considered PVP talents.


Prime Glyphs:

To start of with ur Prime glyphs the must have is Glyph of Lava Lash. Since Cataclysm the damage done by your Lava Lash will be a great amount of your total damage. Besides that one I personally use Glyph of Feral Spirit and Glyph of Windfury Weapon. Another option would be the Glyph of Strormstrike. Picking this is again a personal thing plus it depends on your gear and stats but they are all good glyphs for the enhancement shaman.

Now for Major Glyphs I use:
  • Glyph of Ghost Wolf, I love being able to have extra movement speed, especially since you have to move around alot in certain fights.
  • Glyph of Fire Nova, guess this is pretty obvious why. 
  • Glyph of Lightning Shield, refreshing your shield can be an annoying thing plus it can save you a global cooldown sometimes.
Besides these there's only one other glyph I can recommend and that would be Glyph of Chain Lightning. This gives a nice boost when aoe is needed. All the other possible glyphs seem pretty situational to me.

Minor Glyphs:

Pick whatever you like. I'm mostly fond of glyphs that allow you to cast spells without reagents, this saves up some gold and some more empty bag space!

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